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Celebrating 5 years in business

I’m celebrating 5 years of running my own business this week. It has been an amazing journey and I’m so grateful to everyone I’ve worked with.

To my team – I couldn’t have done it without you.
To my clients – it is so wonderful being a part of your life.

To my suppliers – thanks for creating great tools so that we can better serve our clients.

To everyone I’ve learned from – thanks for your ideas which have formed a part of my business.

To everyone I’ve shared my ideas with – thanks for taking, using and showing appreciation for my ideas.

To my wife – thanks for taking on the harder job – to mould and shape our daughter. I’ve never met anybody as diligent and caring as you are. I regret all the sacrifices you’ve had to make so that I could pursue my vision, but I’m grateful that you have made them.

To my friends and family and anybody I’ve missed (like you reading!) – thanks so much for being a part of my journey.

About Scott Kay

Integrity Plus Accounting

Scott Kay is currently a husband and father of one young daughter. He founded Integrity Plus Accounting over 4 years ago and has had his own clients for over 10 years. He has worked for 3 other accounting businesses and loves to help clients grow – in their business, their wealth, their mindset and their lives.