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By Scott Kay

June 22 2021

Planning for seasonal dips in income

Seasonal dips in income can be highly challenging when you’re a small business. But there are proactive ways to predict, plan for and overcome these dips in revenue. The key to dealing with seasonal dips is to know when they’re most likely to occur, and to have measures in place to spread your income and […]

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By Scott Kay

June 15 2021

Staying on track with your personal budget

You’ve taken the first step and developed your personal budget for the year. However, don’t set and forget and then expect to achieve your personal finance goals! If you don’t monitor your progress, your spending habits are unlikely to change. So, what steps can you take to ensure you’re on track with your Personal Budget? […]

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By Scott Kay

June 2 2021

Tax Tips for Individuals

Although your tax return is not due for a few months yet, the end of the financial year is near. Get ahead now by preparing all the documents required for your 2021 tax return so you can get your tax done quickly and get any refund due to you in your bank! Income The Australian […]

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By Scott Kay

May 31 2021

Can Your Business Claim the Loss Carry Back Tax Offset?

As part of the Federal Budget 2020-21, the government announced a loss carry back measure to encourage new investment and work with the temporary asset expensing measures also announced at the budget. The new law started on 1 January 2021. Eligible corporate entities that previously had an income tax liability in a relevant year, and […]

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By Scott Kay

May 28 2021

Income Splitting – New Rules from July 2021

Are you interested in learning more about income splitting and how to minimise tax by apportioning income or profit between associated entities? Professional services firms frequently use income splitting – for example, medical, legal, financial or IT services firms. It’s a good way of reducing tax within the allowable provisions – so long as it […]

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By Scott Kay

May 17 2021

Tax Tips for Property Investors

If you have income from investment properties, now is the time to start gathering your records and reviewing your expenses for the 2021 financial year. Income to Declare All income earned from each property must be declared. If you have multiple properties, keep the records for each property separate to make the tax return more […]

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