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By Scott Kay

May 31 2021

Can Your Business Claim the Loss Carry Back Tax Offset?

As part of the Federal Budget 2020-21, the government announced a loss carry back measure to encourage new investment and work with the temporary asset expensing measures also announced at the budget. The new law started on 1 January 2021. Eligible corporate entities that previously had an income tax liability in a relevant year, and […]

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By Scott Kay

May 17 2021

Tax tips for self-managed superannuation funds

Having a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) gives you control and flexibility over how you make investments and prepare for retirement. It’s important to get your deductions and record keeping correct for the SMSF audit process and the tax return, as there are strict laws governing SMSFs. An SMSF must be set up as a trust […]

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By Scott Kay

May 17 2021

Tax Tips for Property Investors

If you have income from investment properties, now is the time to start gathering your records and reviewing your expenses for the 2021 financial year. Income to Declare All income earned from each property must be declared. If you have multiple properties, keep the records for each property separate to make the tax return more […]

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