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By Scott Kay

June 11 2021

What do you want from your business?

When you started your business, you probably dreamed about flexible hours and highly profitable, stimulating work. Ideally, you would’ve adopted best practice and documented those dreams in a succinct Business Plan. The plan would specify how much cash you need from the business, your role, and the hours you’d be working. In other words, what […]

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By Scott Kay

June 3 2021

The value of cashflow forecasting during a crisis

Projecting your cashflow pipeline forwards during a crisis is vital. To be able to navigate the future path of your cashflow, you need to start forecasting – so you can map out your financial position over the coming months and can take the appropriate action to safeguard your cash position. Plus, when you have access […]

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By Scott Kay

June 1 2021

5 ways to improve your cashflow

Cash is the lifeblood of any business – once the cash dries up, problems quickly begin to multiply. Keep the cash running freely and you can continue to grow your business. Here are five tips for improving your cashflow: 1. Have a system to manage your debtors – Come up with a clear, step-by-step way to […]

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